Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wiki Deux

Well, editing the KRL Wiki was surprisingly easy. I am still going to try to add a department since I wanted to post my edit to all branches.
I like the idea that I could go on and on about my own personal hobbyhorse, genealogy, and I could put it out there for people to see. This is a freeing moment. It helps quite a bit with the anonymous feeling one sometimes gets in an organization where other people create the things that go out. Not that I want to have the responsibility to be the one to send all the things out to the public, just the ability to put my two cents in when I'm so moved.
And then there was the feeling when I noticed that I was not on the list of degreed librarians. Just as fast as I started to feel left out, I realized we were all making up this list, so I just pulled up my socks and got going. I entered myself and would have entered some of the other missing names, but I didn't know their schools.

So yay - freedom. And Yay - not each person will always know all the information. And Yay - for the power of the group.

1 comment:

bear said...

absolutely - yeah for the power of the group - as someone said, "we is better than me."
